The Perks of Being a Wallflower

How has Charlie’s writing evolved since the beginning of the novel? Include two instances (examples) to show how his writing has changed.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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Charlie’s writing definitely changes over the course of the novel, and the changes reflect his own development and budding maturity. At the start of the novel, his letters are disorganized... disjointed.....

“Aunt Helen told my father not to hit me in front of her ever again and my father said this was his house and he would do what he wanted and my mom was quiet and so were my brother and sister.” pg. 6

Later, we see that Bill's criticism of Charlie's writing assignments is taken to heart, and that Charlie focuses on using those criticisms to perfect his writing style.

First of all, Bill gave me a C on my To Kill a Mockingbird essay because he said that I run my sentences together. I am trying now to practice not to do that. He also said that I should use the vocabulary words that I learn in class like “corpulent” and “jaundice.” I would use them here, but I really don’t think they are appropriate in this format. pg. 14


The Perks of Being a Wallflower