The Pearl

Why do you think the news of Kino's pearl travels so fast? What makes people interested in the story and creates so much buzz? How do people change when they learn of the large pearl? What are the reactions of people in town?

Why do you think the news of Kino's pearl travels so fast? What makes people interested in the story and creates so much buzz? How do people change when they learn of the large pearl? What are the reactions of people in town?
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Rumors tend to travel quickly. In context, Kino's discovery of such a large and valuable pearl is enormous news. His community is poverty stricken and hardworking..... his discovery has the ability to change his life. Note, for everyone who is happy about the news, there are those who experience great jealousy. The doctor, who sees nothing but himself, thinks of riches and a change in circumstances. His greed leads him to make an infant sicker in order to attain the pearl that he believes will change his own life. The Priest thinks of the pearl in terms of what it can do for his church..... rather than his parishioners;

It came to the priest walking in his garden, and it put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church.

Everyone has an agenda.


The Pearl