The Other Wes Moore

Joy's first husband, Bill, is described as unreliable. Why?

Why is the husband of of author's mother unreliable?

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From the text:

As the love haze wore off, Joy began to see that the same qualities that had made Bill so attractive as a college romance— his free and rebellious spirit, his nearly paralyzing contempt for “the Man” — made him a completely unreliable husband. And she discovered that what she had foolishly thought of as his typical low-level recreational drug use was really something much worse. In a time of drug experimentation and excess.

As the years passed, Joy kept hoping that Bill’s alcohol and drug use would fade. She was caught in a familiar trap for young women and girls — the fantasy that she alone could change her man. So she doubled down on the relationship. They had a child together. She hoped that would motivate Bill to make some changes. But his addiction just got worse, and the physical, mental, and emotional abuse he unleashed became more intense.


The Other Wes Moore, pg. 9