The Odyssey

Who defends Odysseus against Eupithes' charges? Describe the defense he offers. How do the dead suitors' father react in book 24

Who defends Odysseus against Eupithes' charges? Describe the defense he offers. How do the dead suitors' father react in book 24

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Medon and the bard Phemius defend him.

"But Medon and the bard Phemius had now woke up, and came to them from the house of Ulysses. Every one was astonished at seeing them, but they stood in the middle of the assembly, and Medon said, "Hear me, men of Ithaca. Ulysses did not do these things against the will of heaven. I myself saw an immortal god take the form of Mentor and stand beside him. This god appeared, now in front of him encouraging him, and now going furiously about the court and attacking the suitors whereon they fell thick on one another."

The dead suitors' fathers responded;

".....more than half raised a loud shout, and at once left the assembly. But the rest stayed where they were, for the speech of Halitherses displeased them, and they sided with Eupeithes; they therefore hurried off for their armour, and when they had armed themselves, they met together in front of the city, and Eupeithes led them on in their folly. He thought he was going to avenge the murder of his son, whereas in truth he was never to return, but was himself to perish in his attempt.


The Odyssey/ Book 24