The Most Dangerous Game

What are the changes?

1. In the story, Rainsford changes his entire philosophy about hunting. Find and write down two lines - one from the beginning Of the story and one towards the end that show the change in Rainsford. Explain how the shift is shown through the lines you've chosen.

2. Personification is a literary technique where the writer gives human qualities to inanimate objects and nature. Find and write down two sentences which use this device.

3. What descriptions about zaroff's physical features serve to warn Rainsford about the man's brutal nature?

4. What is a borsch? What's symbolically significant about this being zaroff's meal when we first meet him?

5. Zaroff says, “here is no greater bore than perfection.” In your own words, explain what he means. Give an example from your life that proves this sentiment to be true.

6. Zaroff also says, “Instinct is no match for reason.” again, explain his meaning in your own words. Is he right? Wrong? Give evidence from your life or the modern world to support your stance.

7. The moment Zaroff decides Rainsford will not be hunting partner, but a huntee is very clear. Find and write down the two short sentences that show the general making his decision.

8.Examine the title of the story. What is the double-meaning in the use of the word, “game,” in the title?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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2) "'Can't see it,' remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht"

"Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound to his ears--the most welcome he had ever heard--the muttering and growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore"

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The Most Dangerous Game