The Most Dangerous Game

the most dangerous game

The opening paragraph introduces the mystery of the island. As the mystery is explained - during Rainsford's dinner conversation with Zaroff - a second question is raised: Must Rainsford himself play the game? The final section of the story is concerned with an even more urgent question. What is that question? When is this question answered?

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The motif of hunting animals for sport is seen throughout the story. Rainsford gets a taste of what the animals he hunts might feel like. I don't think the ethical question is ever really answered. This is an escape-type story so I'm hesitant to draw any major themes out of it or lessons learned. Rainsford is victorious in his man vs man conflict against General Zaroff. Did Rainsford learn anything about empathy for animals? We are not really sure but he did get to feel what its like being hunted.