The Most Dangerous Game

here are two questions... 1. why did the author wait so long to introduce the conflict of the story? 2. what non-linea plot device does Connell use to add suspense?


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Last updated by keanu r #355045
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An example of a non-linear plot device would be foreshadowing.

"...the place [Ship-Trap Island] has a reputation—a bad one."


The Most Dangerous Game

This question was answered for you yesterday.......

The actual conflict is a build up from the conversation Whitney has with Rainsford at the beginning of the story. The whole theme of the hunter becoming the hunted slowly comes into focus as we listen to Zaroff explain the thrill of the hunt to Rainsford. The author likes to give hints and then slowly turn up the tension.

Heh sorry 'bout that Mrs./Ms. Jill didn't mean to really type the one that was answered

