The Moonstone


Can anyone help answer any of these? Doesn't have to be all, and short answers are fine, but help please!
1. What theory does Ezra Jennings propose to explain Franklin's unremembered episode with the diamond?
2. Think about what you knew about the reasons behind Rosanna's behavior in Betteredge's narrative and what you know now. How do you interpret her actions differently now?
3. What important events occurred at the dinner party (back in Betteredge's narrative) that now come to light and provide a solution to the mystery?
4. Why can't Dr. Candy explain to Franklin Blake what happened the night of the dinner party, yet he can seemingly remember the events quite well when he is ill and speaking in his sleep?
5. At this point in the novel, are you hopeful that things will work out between Franklin and Rachel? Why or why not?
1. What is Ezra's occupation? What is his attitude toward science?
2. What drug does he take, and why does he take it? What are its side effects?
3. Why does Ezra Jennings sympathize with and try to help Franklin and Rachel?
4. Why is Ezra's attitude toward social convention (and particularly toward Mrs. Merridew, who represents it)?
5. Who is Ezra in the Old Testament (look this up if you don't know). What is Collins suggesting about Ezra Jennings with this allusion in his name?
6. How does Ezra test the "truth" of his theory about Franklin Blake? What are the results of this test? What is Betteredge's attitude about participating in the test?
7. Contrast Ezra Jennings and Gabriel Betteredge in as many ways as you can.
8. How does the physical act of pulling the tin box out of the quicksand by the chain represent the mental act of retrieving information stored in the unconscious mind?
Sgt. Cuff's & concluding narratives
1. Which characters could not have written narratives without giving away too much too soon?
2. What crucial piece of information about Godfrey Ablewhite's finances emerges in these final pages? Could we have solved the mystery earlier without this clue?
3. Does the pace of the novel speed up or slow down in this section?
4. Think about the different kinds of religious "martyrs" in the novel. Who is the most devoted to his or her religion?
5. What are the major themes of this novel (you should be able to come up with at least 3)?
6. In what ways does Collins treat the favorite theme of many writers in this novel--illusion vs. reality?
7. What does Collins seem to be suggesting in this novel about the many different ways people get at truth? How does the form he chooses for the novel help him to emphasize this?
8. Why do you suppose Collins chose the phrase "the moonstone" forthe title of his novel?
9. If the diamond itself is a major symbol for the novel, what does it represent?
10. How is this novel like a modern novel? Unlike a modern novel?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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1) From the text:

The result was, that I not only occupied in this way many vacant and anxious hours, but that I arrived at something which was (as it seemed to me) a confirmation of the theory that I held. In plainer words, after putting the broken sentences together I found the superior faculty of thinking going on, more or less connectedly, in my patient's mind, while the inferior faculty of expression was in a state of almost complete incapacity and confusion."

Please list your questions separately.


The Moonstone