The Monkey's Paw

What devices does the author use to create suspense and a feeling of fear?

The Monkey's paw

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The main literary device used by the author in The Monkey's Paw is foreshadowing. Jacobs uses foreshadowing throughout the text to create a sense of fear and suspense in the reader. He begins by describing the weather outside of the White home, the allusion to the power of the monkey's paw, as well as the Sargeant-Major's experience and attempt to destroy it.... again brings suspense. The White's first wish seems to cause the death of their son, but has it really? Herbert's impulsive wish is mirrored by his mother's..... the third wish by his father's. In essence, Jacob's sense of timeing is impeccable, as each event smoothly transitions to the next. And in the end.... Jacobs leaves us wondering.


The Monkey's Paw