The Maze Runner

How Thomas displayed intelligence, determination, stubbornness, athleticism, and compassion?

These are the character traits of Thomas through Chapters 19-28.

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This is only a short answer space. At numerous times in the novel, Thomas must call on his own will and fortitude to overcome a frightening situation. When he sees Minho and Alby struggling to return to the Glade before the Wall closes, he rushes out to help them. After that, it is his quick thinking and unwillingness to give up that saves his own life as well as Alby's.

These actions also invite prosecution from the Keepers, who feel Thomas has broken the law and must face punishment. Thomas's greatest threat to the order of the Glade is that he questions many of the assumptions on which the Gladers have based their lives. His willingness to face questioning and persecution also requires bravery. Without the will to take risks, no progress is possible. This bravery eventually allows Thomas to show the Gladers a way out of the Maze and on to the next stage of the experiment.