The Marrow Thieves

Describe the coming of age theme of the entire book.

Throughout the whole book, how does the writer uses the coming of age theme

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The Marrow Thieves is a coming-of-age novel that explores the themes of adolescence, adulthood, and more specifically, manhood. French has an outdated idea of manhood, in which he is the protector, provider, and hero. But deep inside, he feels like a young, awkward, teenage boy. From this tension comes French’s anger and jealousy. When Derrick tries to make him look bad, French boyishly feels the need to prove he is a man. The only way he knows how to do this is through an angry outburst. Without realizing it, he ends up hurting Rose. This is because his strong feeling of love for her also brings up his insecurity and doubts.

Umm..... I think you might have mis-read the question. I did not ask how did Frenchie thought of Derrick.