The Marrow Thieves

7. Why did Miigwans tell Frenchie that “As long as the intent is good, nothing else matters” Do you agree? Why or why not

This is for Chapter 16 – The Long Stumble

Also, Aslan thank you so much for replying so quickly, I really appreciate it!

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This is a thought-provoking idea. We certainly all have our value systems largely based on the status quo of societal expectations and law and order. Miggwans argues that people would go to any length to protect their families. Frenchie wonders, “What would I have done to save my parents or [brother], given the chance? Would I have been able to trap a child, to do what, cut them into pieces? To boil them alive? I shuddered. I didn’t want to know what they did. And I didn’t really want to know if I’d be capable of doing it” (48). Miggwans answers that as long as the intent is "good" one can do anything. The problem with this statement is what exactly justifies "good" and what happens to society when each of us gets to decide that what retribution to take. Society will basically crumble, and it would be anarchy.