The Mamba Mentality: How I Play

Why did Kobe Bryant wanted to share his story?

Why did Kobe Bryant wanted to share his story?

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Much of the book's content has to do with leadership. I think Kobe wanted to express his thoughts on both leadership and passion. Kobe was always a leader on and off-court. In the book, Kobe writes he always liked to challenge his teammates. He always made his teammates uncomfortable by making them question their every move during the game. He always motivated them when they weren’t playing their best. That approach never failed him and his team. Kobe challenged each player differently based on their positions and skills on the court. He often watched his fellow teammates as they played and took note of what they should be doing right. Kobe made sure he not only made himself a better player but lifted his team with him. Kobe always discussed the game with LeBron and how they nurtured a killer mentality which facilitated in them winning the game with the right mindset.