The Lottery and Other Stories

Write a note on the theme of the story the lottery ticket?

Write a note on the theme of the story the lottery ticket?

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Shirley Jackson's short story is "The Lottery", not "The Lottery Ticket." Two of the central themes in this story are tradition and conformity. Everyone in the village blindly conforms to a tradition that is vague at best. The pressure to conform is enormous. Really, the rest of the world, outside their village, is a strange foreign world. The insular nature of their village demands they conform or risk ridicule and possible exile.

The Lottery Ticket by Anton Chekhov

Okay, I think the theme has to do with contentment as opposed to the illusion of riches. When the young couple thinks they have won the lottery, their contentment is poisoned. The idea of wealth changes his appreciation for the things he has. 

Could please write the in at least 10 lines

