The Lottery and Other Stories

Will the lottery die out

Will the lottery die out

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The lottery will eventually die out. It is said that many villages no longer practice the lottery. Change is coming but unfortunately not in time to save Tessie Hutchinson.

Yes the lottery will die out. People up in the northern village already said they might stop the tradition. While other villagers completely stopped the whole tradition and they're still living. The whole purpose of the tradition is so that they could harvest corn during the upcoming season. As if killing their own kind promises them the wonderful corn they're waiting for. Eventually, in the past even after killing someone they would have to have been some mishap about their harvest not growing, and surviving off of what they already had. So, it seems unreasonable to kill someone to grow corn.

"Some places have already quit lotteries" Mrs. Adams said.

"Nothing but trouble in that." Old man Warner said.

Already even in the story they mention about how the village doesn't even complete the tradition with the chants, and recitals that were done many years ago. So this is a sign that the tradition may fall out soon enough, but not too soon to pull sorry old Tessie out from being stoned. I still think even now there will be a few more killings and then they will come to their senses.