The Lightning Thief

The Lightning Thief

The lightining Theif chapter 5-7 questions:

Why are Grover’s credentials in jeopardy? What was he supposed to do to protect Percy and what actually happened?

What initiation rite does Percy face at Camp Half-Blood? Based on what happens, what can you infer about Percy?

The lightining Theif chapter 8-9 questions:

How do the other campers feel about Percy and why? What clue signals that Percy had better be careful?
In chapter 8, what clues indicate the identity of Percy’s father?

Why are Poseidon and Zeus fighting? What does their fight have to do with Percy?

Why doesn’t Chiron tell Percy where he thinks the lightning bolt is?

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Last updated by Valeria T #1001267
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1) Grover credentials are in question because he failed to protect Percy, which was his job. Instead, it turns out that Percy saves Grover's life.

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The Lightning Thief