The Jade Peony

Explain two types of conflict (problems) present in this story. Are the conflicts resolved by the end of the story?

Explain two types of conflict (problems) present in this story. Are the conflicts resolved by the end of the story?

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I can give you one. Consider the conflict of assimilation. The overriding theme of the novel is the difficulties related to an immigrant culture assimilating into another. The grandmother represents the desire to hold onto the ancient traditions of China while the children who narrate the novel represent the willingness to embrace western cultures even at the expense of losing those traditions most cherished by their grandmother. The parents, of course, are the where the meeting of the past and the future coincide. I don't think grandmother ends up assimilating, not that she even should have to. The parents understand why a certain amount of assimilation is good and the children are much more open to navigating their new world.