The Island of Dr. Moreau

Need to know character identification and analysis of fox bear witch

I need to know charactr identification and analysis of fox bear witch sloth creature wolf bear ox bear kanakas mission ary

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There is little information about these character in the text. I have provided the information I could find.

From the text:

After him from the brake came a monstrous lout, a thing of horse and rhinoceros, chewing a straw as it came; then appeared the Swine-woman and two Wolf-women; then the Fox-bear witch, with her red eyes in her peaked red face, and then others,—all hurrying eagerly.

The little pink sloth-creature dashed at me, and I gashed down its ugly face with the nail in my stick and in another minute was scrambling up a steep side pathway, a kind of sloping chimney, out of the ravine.

Twice we heard unseen creatures howling and shrieking past our little band, and once the little pink sloth creature appeared and stared at us, and vanished again.

The little pink sloth-creature displayed an odd affection for me, and took to following me about.

The only mention of the Wolf-bear...

‘None escape,’ said the Wolf-bear, laughing into my face with the exultation of hunting.

The only mention of the Ox-boar

‘There is food in the huts,’ said an Ox-boar-man, drowsily, and looking away from me.


And the Kanakas too, had realised something of it. They were scared out of their wits by the sight of me. I got Montgomery over to me—in a way; but I and he had the hardest job to prevent the Kanakas deserting. Finally they did; and so we lost the yacht.

I took him yonder and introduced him to the Kanakas as an interesting stowaway. ‘They were horribly afraid of him at first, somehow,— which offended me rather, for I was conceited about him; but his ways seemed so mild, and he was so abject, that after a time they received him and took his education in hand.


The Island of Dr. Moreau