The Interlopers

the interlopers

8. What effect does the author’s choice of resolution have on the passage’s overall meaning?

9. How does the natural setting contribute to the meaning of the story?

(Discussion Questions

)An interloper is someone who becomes involved in a situation in which they do not belong. Who are the real interlopers in this story? Explain your answer.

Considering the circumstances, why do you think Ulrich asks Georg to be his friend?

Some people say that there is a fine line between friendship and enmity. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer.

In the context of this story, what does it mean to be a friend?

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Last updated by Maria N #1142651
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What effect does the author’s choice of resolution have on the passage’s overall meaning?

The resolution speaks to the idea that these two former enemies have much more common than they do have differences. Being caught in nature has humbled them. Land title and feuding does not matter any more when they are about to be eaten by wolves.

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What effect does the author’s choice of resolution have on the passage’s overall meaning?