The Interlopers

How does paragraph 19 affect the development of the story?

A. George begs Ulrich to spare his life and offers for the two of them to become friends rather than stay enemies.

b. Ulrich trues to save his life, should Georg’s men arrive first, by pretending he will spare Georg when his men arrive.

C. Ulrich sets a trap for Georg by pretending to make peace with him and end their feud.

D. Ulrich admits to a change point of view and a desire to make peace rather than a feud with Georg

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“Neighbor,” he said presently, “do as you please if your men come first. It was a fair compact. But as for me, I’ve changed my mind. If my men are the first to come, you shall be the first to be helped, as though you were my guest. We have quarreled like devils all our lives over this stupid strip of forest, where the trees can’t even stand upright in a breath of wind. Lying here tonight, thinking, I’ve come to think we’ve been rather fools; there are better things in life than getting the better of a boundary dispute. Neighbor, if you will help me to bury the old quarrel, I—I will ask you to be my friend.”

If the above paragraph is correct, the answer is as follows;

D. Ulrich admits to a change point of view and a desire to make peace rather than a feud with George.


The Interlopers