The Hunger Games

Look back at the section when Katniss met with her beauty team starting on page 51. What does this information tell us about the values and culture of the Capitol?

The Hunger Games first book

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The information in this section tells us that the Capital is focused on spectacle and appearances. It provides its citizens with a false reality. Katniss' own life in District 12 is disdained by all, and she is paronized by her beauty team, but their take their jobs seriously. In terms of class, Katniss is aware that the design process usually continues to penalize those of lower social station, since District 12 tributes tend to be decorated in an unflattering coal motif. Cinna's masterstroke is to emphasize the individual in his tributes, rather than generalize them into their class. While it should be noted that his fire strategy is very much a play to the spectacle of the Games, it also allows them to have an identity that is about them, rather than about where they are from and what industry their parents are engaged in. The theme of class is also seen in these chapters as the luxury continues to increase and overwhelm Katniss.


The Hunger Games