The Hiding Place

When the women first see Ravensbruck, Corrie uses two similes (descriptive comparisons using "like" or "as") to describe it. What do these description as tell you about Ravensbruck?

When the women first see Ravensbruck, Corrie uses two similes (descriptive comparisons using "like" or "as") to describe it. What do these description as tell you about Ravensbruck?

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Corrie's descriptions allude to the fact that Ravensbruck is dark, cold, and forboding... a foretress.

From the crest of the hill we saw it, like a vast scar on the green German landscape; a city of low gray barracks surrounded by concrete walls on which guard towers rose at intervals. In the very center, a square smokestack emitted a thin gray vapor into the blue sky.


The Hiding Place, pg. 173