The Hate U Give

What is a quote in the story that reflects Lisa's reasons for wanting out of the neighborhood?


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“I want my kids to enjoy life! I get it, Maverick, you wanna help your people out. I do too. That’s why I bust my butt every day at that clinic. But moving out of the neighborhood won’t mean you’re not real and it won’t mean you can’t help this community. You need to figure out what’s more important, your family or Garden Heights. I’ve already made my choice.”

Lisa, p. 180

Lisa’s argument reflects the internal struggle that both Lisa and Maverick feel about their decision to move out of Garden Heights. On the one hand, they both want to help the other people in their community. Garden Heights is susceptible to poverty and violence, and because Lisa and Maverick have a strong family bond and serve as mentors to young people like DeVante, they want to remain in the neighborhood to continue this assistance. However, they’re aware of the dangers of Garden Heights. There are frequent drive-bys, such as the one that killed Natasha. As Lisa points out, it’s possible for Maverick to help the community even when he doesn’t live there. In addition, moving does not devalue Maverick’s commitment to helping others.

