The Hate U Give

Theme Statement + quote + opinion statement for The Hate U Give chapters 11 - 15

Theme Statement + quote + opinion statement for The Hate U Give chapters 11 - 15

Racism and Police Brutality: The novel follows Starr Carter after she witnesses the killing of Khalil Harris, her unarmed black friend, by a white police officer.
Dueling Identities and Double Consciousness: Starr feels pulled between two worlds throughout the novel, namely, that of the poor, primarily black Garden Heights, and the affluent, primarily white Williamson Prep.
The Power of Language: Language within the novel is used as a tool for education, justice, and speaking truth to power.
Community and Loyalty: Throughout the novel, competing loyalties test both individual characters and the communities to which they belong.
The Cycle of Poverty and Crime: The Hate U Give depicts gangs, drugs, and violence as largely the result of lack of opportunity.

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