The Handmaid's Tale

How did the early actions of the new state affect Offred`s relationship with Luke?

How did the early actions of the new state affect Offred`s relationship with Lukein Chapter 28?

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The early actions of the new state have an affect on everything and everyone within the state. These actions reduce and then eliminate the rights of women, they take away the property of women, and in turn, change relationships.

Offred's money is no longer available to her; her bankcard doesn't work, and Moira tells her she'll have to get HER money from Luke. Offred loses her job, "I have to let you go, it's the law, I have to. You can't work here any more."

Whereas women in the pre-Gilead regime were allowed to work (it was normal), suddenly women are told to leave by the manager..... who will in fact be killed if they don't. The inability to work, caused by the law that's been put in place to deny women work, is the beginning of their subjugation. Women have suddenly become objects of oppression, and the 'new state' or 'new law' is responsible for their circumstances.

For the women, cooperation is their only means of survival. As the state imposes its new laws, the relationship between Offred and Luke begins to change (I'm sure this was true for many couples). Men are suddenly in control, and it matters not that Luke sympathizes with and comforts her; she still accuses him of not understanding and life can't help but to change.


The Handmaid's Tale/ Chapter 28

I should have added that Offred eventually begins to treat Luke like he's partly to blame for the situation, or maybe even treats him like he is the ONE to blame. The old "don't take it out on me" thing, except that this is a really big thing.