The Greatest Gift

Describe George. What kind of man is he?

Describe George. What kind of man is he?

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George Pratt is the story's protagonist and is introduced as a man suffering from depression. George left his family long ago and has been working as a banker, but he has nothing to show. When George discovers that he does not have a reason to live on the Eve of Christmas, he decides to commit suicide. He goes into the bridge in the small town and stands along the guardrails as he plans on how to jump inside to drown.

Before George throws himself into the river, a strange young man comes straight up to him and calls him by name. The young man asks George not to commit suicide because he knows what is troubling him. The young man knows everything about George, which he finds abnormal. The man gives George a satchel and tells him to go to every house and hand it to the woman who opens the door. George does as instructed, and he later realizes the meaning of the satchel when he gets a second chance to live happily with his family.

