The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby, turgid journalism

Could you please tell me the literal and figurative meaning of "turgid" in this extract from the chapter VI of The Great Gatsby?

The none too savory ramifications by which Ella Kaye, the newspaper woman, played Madame de Maintenon to his weakness and sent him to sea in a yacht, were common knowledge to the turgid journalism of 1902.

Thank you.

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This description implies the idea that all journalism is bloated and inflated. It would suggest that the writing is far from journalistic which is supposed to be factual and without much drama or opinion. It suggests a kind of writing which is not really taught in school; it is almost like fiction.

Since the word "turgid" means "pompous" or "grandiloquent," we can derive the meaning that the "sub-journalism" in The Great Gatsby would be overblown in its importance. Essentially, it would be what we call today, "fake news" or tabloid material.