The Great Gatsby

Chapter 1: When Nick leaves the Buchanan's house, he is "confused and a little disgusted." Why? What does this suggest about Nick's values?

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Nick is confused because Tom and Daisy tend to believe the rumors about Nick's impending marriage, rather than the truth that he has no intention of getting married. He is disgusted by Daisy's lack of maternal instinct and Tom's rumored affair. From this, we can infer that Nick values family.

Their interest rather touched me and made them less remotely rich — nevertheless, I was confused and a little disgusted as I drove away. It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house, child in arms — but apparently there were no such intentions in her head. As for Tom, the fact that he “had some woman in New York.” was really less surprising than that he had been depressed by a book.


The Great Gatsby