The Glass Hotel

theme of isolation

vincent achieveing kingdom of money still isolated.almost all characters are iaolated....then plz guide me there is them of isolation???in chapter shadow

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With this life of luxury and leisure comes an inherent loneliness and isolation for Vincent, as her relationship with Jonathan is not based on love but on a monetary understanding, and she feels like she does not belong in his world. Having a house staff makes her uncomfortable and she quickly becomes bored of shopping for things she does not need. She views Jonathan's clients with a clinical remove: “she would come to recognize them as typical of a particular western subspecies of moneyed people: as wealthy as their counterparts in other regions, but prematurely weathered by their skiing obsession” (63). Looking through the shops in Manhattan, she wonders, “How have I come to this foreign planet, so far from home?” (66). When the Ponzi scheme falls apart, it is almost a relief to Vincent, as she tells Geoffrey Bell that being aboard the Neptune Cumberland, she is the happiest she has ever been.