The Giver

What do you think pale eyes might be intended to symbolize in the novel?

What do you think pale eyes might be intended to symbolize in the novel?

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Light or pale eyes signify that the child, Jonas in this case, has a connection with the Giver. 

Majority of the people in Jonas’ society have dark eyes. The use of pale eyes symbolises the uniqueness of only a few characters in the novel. Sameness is a quality that all dystopian societies possess, and it is looked down upon if you do not ‘fit in’. It can make outliers feel left out from everyone else, because there is a lack of difference in the community. It indicates that people with light eyes have been blessed with the power to discover things that the rest of the world cannot; the ability to see beyond. All receivers of memory have had these light eyes, which signifies that it is a quality that they must possess.