The Fountainhead

in the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, describe Peter Keatings professional downfall in his career? What brought this upon and how does he act?

in the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, describe Peter Keatings professional downfall in his career? What brought this upon and how does he act?


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Keating professional downfall begins with the death Heyer, and Keating's part in his death. His shame and guilt sre apparent, which is actually endearing. This episode makes Keating human...... We later see this same humaness in his relationship with Dominique, which proves him to be weak and vulnerable. This, in addition to the guilt, drives Keating to the bottle and eventually takes a toll on both his health and appearance. Keating's ambition, and his obsession over a woman who doesn't love him each play a part in his ultimate fall.