The Five People You Meet in Heaven

What was the weather like when Eddie and Marguerite say their goodbyes on the boardwalk?

Specifically how the weather was in the moment

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Eddie and Marguerite say their goodbyes in the rain.

"You don't have to ask me to wait," Marguerite says suddenly. Eddie swallows.
"I don't?"
She shakes her head. Eddie smiles. Saved from a question that has caught in his throat all night, he feels as if a string has just shot from his heart and looped around her shoulders, pulling her close, making her his. He loves her more in this moment than he thought he could ever love anyone.
A drop of rain hits Eddie's forehead. Then another. He looks up at the gathering clouds.
"Hey, Hot Stuff?" Marguerite says. She smiles but then her face droops and she blinks back water, although Eddie cannot tell if it is raindrops or tears.
"Don't get killed, OK?" she says.


The Five People You Meet in Heaven