The Fisher King

What is the movie about

What is the movie's main story line

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Both of the main characters in the movie suffer from mental health issues, as does the man who telephones the radio show and ends up shooting up the restaurant. Mental health problems are at the center of the film, in different forms. After the incident at the restaurant, Jack feels responsible and slinks into a deep depression, which he self soothes through excessive drinking. Early on in the film, he almost attempts suicide, but doesn't end up doing it. Parry is also depressive, but his post-traumatic suffering crops up in a more avoidant way. Rather than become depressive or addictive, he suffers from catatonia, completely shutting down. When he awoke from his initial catatonia, Parry adopted an entirely separate personality and becomes delusional. He also suffers from debilitating panic attacks and hallucinations. Both Jack and Parry must move through their mental illness in order to find peace and happiness in their lives. By confronting their feelings (with the help of a little magical thinking) they are able to mend some of their psychic wounds.