The Fisher King

Identify a repeating motif (i.e., image, gesture, melody, etc.) from The Fisher King (that are not the Wounded King or the Hero themselves). Citing three examples of that one motif, give an explanation for why you think that motif appeared in the film. Wh

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Pinocchio, the wooden puppet from the famous Italian fairy tale, is mentioned early on in the film, in Jack's radio call with Edwin. He sarcastically tells Edwin that "Pinocchio is a true story," as a way of trying to communicate to Edwin that he has no chance with the girl he's trying to date. Three years later, as Jack wanders the streets of New York despondently, sipping liquor out of a paper bag and mumbling to himself, a wealthy little boy gives him a wooden Pinocchio doll, which Jack then carries around and monologues to with an exasperated urgency. By the end of the film, the Pinocchio doll is still around. We see Jack and Parry lying naked in a field in Central Park at night, with the doll between them. The doll represents Jack and Parry's psychological journey throughout the film. The way that Pinocchio, as a character, goes from being a wooden puppet to a living, breathing human mirrors the ways that Jack and Parry come back into consciousness and are transformed out of their respectively avoidant psychological states. Jack is no longer depressed and drunken, and Parry is able to face his demons head on. In this way, they are their own unique versions of Pinocchio.

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