The Education of Little Tree

What experience does Little Tree have with "the Christian"? What does Little Tree say he has learned? What does he really learn? Chapter 10

Chapter 10

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Little Tree gets 'slickered' out of fifty cents at the crossroads store. He has saved nickels and dimes for a long time from his help with the whiskey trade and loves jingling the change in his pocket, though never spends it. He has his eye on a red and green candy box, which he thinks would be a perfect Christmas present for Granma. One day after they deliver their wares, they rest behind the store. Men pour into the store announcing that a politician will soon be there to give a speech. The politician arrives with fanfare, shaking every man's hand except Granpa's. Granpa explains politicians know Indians don't vote, so it would be wasted energy on his part. The politician gets on his soapbox and condemns Catholics for the ruination of Washington City, and that if he doesn't get into office to stop them, the ruination will spread. After the speech, a man appears with a small brown calf. The calf keeps its head down in the crowd. Little Tree walks up to it. The calf owner convinces Little Tree to buy it for fifty cents. Little Tree considers it a fair exchange, since the man tells him it's worth a hundred times as much; but he's a Christian so will sell it cheap.