The Education of Little Tree

How does the Reverend feel about Little Tree? Why? How is the Referee's "charity" hypocritical or ironic? Chapter 19

Chapter 19

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The Reverend seems to see Little Tree as a problem to be solved. He tells Little Tree that they do not have money to take on children like Little Tree, that in exchange for an education.... Little Tree will need to work. He also noted that Little Tree's parents were not married, thus, he was the first bastard child that had ever been accepted. When Little Tree tells him that his parents were married in the Cherokee tradition..... he brushes the boy off.

The Reverend's charity is completely hypocritical. He is a man of God, and yet, he tells Little Tree that he can never be saved. The Reverend..... a man of God, tells Little Tree he does not need to attend church, and then he separates him from all of the other children. He seems to forget that God does not see color, heritage, or tradition..... God sees his children.... the Reverend does not.


The Education of Little Tree