The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

one of the first things Anne says in her diary is that “ paper is patient” infer why this statement is important to how one perceives her diary and what she writes in it


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Anne uses this satement to illustrate her need for a friend in whom she can share confidences.... paper neither wants nor needs anything.... it's the perfect way to share things she cannot share with those around her.


The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Anne's statement, "paper is patient," suggests that paper is a non-judgmental listener, providing an outlet for Anne to express her thoughts and feelings without fear of criticism or retribution. This is important because Anne was living in a confined space with several other people and had limited opportunities to express herself openly. Writing in her diary allowed her to be honest and unfiltered, giving her a sense of freedom and release. Additionally, knowing that her words would remain on the page even after she was gone may have given her a sense of comfort and permanence.