The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

describe Mr. Dussel?


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Albert Dussel

An elderly dentist who is invited to share the rooms in the annex with the Franks and the Van Daans. His wife managed to escape the occupation. He stays in Anne's room and drives her crazy with his odd nocturnal habits. He can also be petty and small-minded. He dies in the Neuengamme camp, in Germany.


Albert Dussel

An elderly dentist who is invited to share the rooms in the annex with the Franks and the Van Daans. His wife managed to escape the occupation. He stays in Anne's room and drives her crazy with his odd nocturnal habits. He can also be petty and small-minded. He dies in the Neuengamme camp, in Germany.

He is a dentist who joins the secret annex in the course of time and shares a room with Anne. He reacts bossy towards Anne. He is selfish and doesn't allow Anne to use her table much of the time. He drives Anne crazy with his odd nocturnal habits (snoring etc.). Anne describes him as pedantic and small minded. The relationship between him and the Franks didn't develop much and it is not good.

Albert dussel is an elderly dentist who joins the Frank family and the Van Daans in the annex. He and Anne share a room and as we can see from her accounts,they both despise each other.Anne hates not having her room all too herself and Mr. dussel who feels very lonely doesn't like sharing a room with anne because she is too noisy and spunky according to him(She is misunderstood). His nocturnal habits like snoring cause much annoyance to Anne. She paints his character in poor light