The Crossover

In the third quarter Which statement best compares Josh’s feelings and his father’s in “I run into Dad’s room”?

  • The answer options
    Josh wants his father to take care of himself, but his father treats his heart problems lightly.
    Josh wants his father to take care of himself, but his father treats his heart problems lightly.
  • Josh feels guilty about playing basketball with his father, but his father insists on continuing to coach his sons.
    Josh feels guilty about playing basketball with his father, but his father insists on continuing to coach his sons.
  • Josh wants his father to stay home while his father thinks taking a new coaching job will solve his health problems.
    Josh wants his father to stay home while his father thinks taking a new coaching job will solve his health problems.
  • Josh tries to get his mother to take his father to the hospital, but his father says not to worry her.
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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Josh wants his father to stay home while his father thinks taking a new coaching job will solve his health problems.