The Crossover

How did the main conflict get resolved?

The main conflict is Josh being frustrated with the things going on in his life. The problems with the team, his brother, his dad, his friends, and things in school. So, how did all the problems get resolved?

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Unfortunately, on the way to the game, Mom gets a call and exclaims that Dad had another heart attack and she needs to go to the hospital. JB and Josh are not sure what to do at first, but JB leaps on his bike to follow Mom to the hospital. Josh decides to go along with Vondie and his dad to the game; he feels his father telling him to do so.

At the same time as Josh leads his team to a glorious victory, Dad passes away. Josh does not know how to deal with this. There is a funeral and during the reception at the house; Alexis calls and Josh answers. She is very kind and says she is sorry for their loss. She invites him to go with her, JB, her dad, and her sister to see Duke play. He is happy and accepts.

Josh and JB finally reconcile while out shooting free throws.