The Crossover

Describe a central theme in this novel. How is this theme developed?

Describe a central theme in this novel. How is this theme developed?

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Family is one of the most important themes in the text. In this novel, the family unit is a supportive, uplifting, inspiring, ordering, meaning-providing, and sustaining entity. Mom and Dad are thoughtful, engaged parents who want the best for and encourage the best in their children. Josh and JB are loving sons; sometimes they display some negative traits characteristic of a young teenager, but they ultimately have honest and healthy relationships with their parents. The family isn't perfect, though: when characters let the family down (e.g., Josh hurting JB, Dad refusing to go to the doctor), it causes shockwaves throughout the unit. Josh often wonders if their family is "falling apart" because of what is going on, and while, of course, it isn't, it is definitely enduring some attacks on its unity and health.


The Crossover