The Count of Monte Cristo

How do Villefort and his position as the Procureur du Roi affect how he handles his personal affairs?

How do Villefort and his position as the Procureur du Roi affect how he handles his personal affairs?

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Villefort uses his station in life to do some bad things and to hide some very ugly secrets. His first marriage is one that is politically advantageous. He has one daughter by that marriage, Valentine. He also has a son by his second marriage. Monte Cristo ruins Villefort at Calvacanti's trial. Calvacanti reveals that his father, Villefort, buried him as a newborn baby. He was saved by Bertuccio who had been spying on Villefort waiting for an opportunity to seek revenge on him. Villefort had failed to seek out the man who had killed Bertuccio's brother. Villefort is thus ruined. His wife also poisons his daughter, son, and herself. He becomes crazy.
