The Color Purple

Main conflict in the color purple

Discuss the main conflict in the book The Color Purple. Show how this conflict is developed in the plot, and explain how the conflict is resolved, with commentary (meaning what are your thoughts about how the conflict was resolved).

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The Color Purple is an epistolary novel, made up of letters written by Celie to God and by Nettie to Celie. At the start of the novel, Celie is a fourteen-year-old, vulnerable, abused black girl who addresses her letters to “Dear God.” Thirty years later, at the end of the novel, she has forged her own life despite a male-dominated and racially prejudiced society. She fights her way through life and questions everything she has been taught. Her most ambitious challenge is to remake her idea of God as an old, white, bearded male—her antithesis—into a God who encompasses everything and lives within her.