The Chrysalids

How is Old Jacob similar to, and different from, other grown-ups so far in the story until chapter 9?

How is Old Jacob similar to, and different from, other grown-ups so far in the story until chapter 9?

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Old Jacob says that the way mutants are being treated now is different from when he was younger. He serves to represent an older generation that treated deviations more harshly than they are treated now. David has a conversation with Old Jacob. Jacob complains of the level of deviances found in the crops this season. He believes they are a form of Judgement from God, and that they signify the coming of another Tribulation. He feels that the generations before this one adhered more to the rules, and thus they had fewer deviances in their crops. Jacob also reveals that human deviations used to be burned, and he believes they still should be. However, now they are sterilized and outlawed to the Fringes instead.