The Chrysalids

Conflict in chrysliads

As a final activity for “The Chrysalids” for your reading portfolio answer the following: Conflict: During the short story unit we discussed the various conflicts found in stories. List one conflict that arises in each of the following situations in The Chrysalids. Some of them may have more than one type of conflict, but you need to list only one. After you list the conflict, explain who or what is involved. See the example below.

Example David discovers that Sophie Wender has six toes on each foot. a. Conflict: Character vs. Self b. David believes that having six toes is such a little thing, but he is very much aware of the teachings he has received, "Beware thou of the Mutant!"


1. David jokingly wishes he had a third hand and his father and mother overhear him.

2. Uncle Axel tells David to keep quiet about his picture-talking with Rosalind.

3. Sophie Wenders has six toes on each foot.

4. Aunt Harriet kills herself and her baby.

5. Anne announces that she going to get married.

6. Members of the Group meet Jerome Skinner.

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Last updated by Rylee H #1156536
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1. David jokingly wishes he had a third hand and his father and mother overhear him.

This would be external conflict or character against parents/society. David does not share the same value system as his parents and the community. His "wish" for another hand puts him at odds with his parents, David's father, the patriarch of the community, will certainly punish David for his words.

You need to submit the rest of your statements one at a time.

It is character vs society



Characters idea ifeisnfb is brown


Wee fish towns to soak field right sisodb