The Breadwinner

How does Parvana’s sister remember Kabul? How does Parvana know Kabul?

Describe each and provide examples from the story.

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Parvana's sister remembers,"whole sidewalks, traffic lights that changed color, evening trips to restaurants and cinemas, browsing in fine shops for clothes and books."

Parvana knows Kabul as a city of ruins and neglected roads.

For most of Parvana's life, the city had been in ruins, and it was hard for her to imagine it another way. It hurt her to hear stories of old Kabul before the bombing. She didn't want to think about everything the bombs had taken away, including her father's health and their beautiful home. It made her angry, and since she could do nothing with her anger, it made her sad.
They left the busy part of the market and turned down a side street to their building. Parvana carefully guided her father around the pot holes and broken places in the road.


The Breadwinner