The Breadwinner

How does Parvana say goodbye to the woman in the window? What do flowers symbolize? Chapter 15


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Parvana is at the market when a tiny camel made of beads lands on her head; it is from the women in the window. She wants to jump and dance, having confirmation the woman is still there. Instead, she thinks of a way to say goodbye. She digs up wildflowers from a bombed-out ruin and goes back to her spot in the market, digging up the hard soil. She wants to plant them there so the woman will know she isn’t coming back.

People crowd around to criticize the plan until a man encourages Parvana’s efforts, saying Afghans love beautiful things. He tells a tea boy to get some water for the flowers. Though the flowers wilt as if dead, he pats the earth and tells Parvana the roots are strong. Parvana waves a quick goodbye at the window. She thinks she sees someone wave back.


The Breadwinner