The Breadwinner

Does Shazia ever reach France? If so, what happened to Shazia's family? Did they worry?

After Shazia left on the boat, She agreed to Parvana that they'd meet in 20 years, back in Kabul. My question is what happened to Shazia?

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Whether or not Shauzia ever makes it to Paris is an unknown. The last we hear about her she is planning to go to Pakistan.

"Goodbye, Parvana," Shauzia said. She handed Parvana a bag of dried apricots. "I'm leaving soon, too. I met some nomads who will take me to Pakistan as a shepherd. I'm not waiting until next spring. It would be too lonely here without you."
Parvana didn't want to say goodbye. "When will we
see each other again?" she asked in a panic. "How
will we keep in touch?" "I've got it all figured out," Shauzia said. "We'll meet again on the first day of spring, twenty years from now."
"All right. Where?"
"The top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I told you I was going to France."
Parvana laughed. "I'll be there," she said. "We won't say goodbye, then. We'll just say so long for now."
"Until next time," Shauzia said.


The Breadwinner