The Book Thief

Why does the narrator value escape from his work and feel a need for occasional relief?

how is this helpful to him? Support your answer with textual evidence and make annotations to explain your answer choices

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Death grows weary of his job. The war kills so many people that Death needs distractions in order to distance himself from all the suffering and repetition of his job.

As I’ve been alluding to, my one saving grace is distraction. It keeps me sane. It helps me cope, considering the length of time I’ve been performing this job. The trouble is, who could ever replace me? Who could step in while I take a break in your stock-standard resort-style vacation destination, whether it be tropical or of the ski trip variety? The answer, of course, is nobody, which has prompted me to make a conscious, deliberate decision —to make distraction my vacation.


The Book Thief