The Book Thief

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4. What single fact does Liesel know about her father? 5. Which parent does Liesel seem to bond with more easily? Why? 6. Why is The Grave Digger’s Handbook so important to Liesel? 7. What makes school particularly difficult for Liesel? 8. What is Frau Holtzapfel known for at the Hubermanns’ home? Why? How does this affect Liesel? 9. Why is Liesel having nightmares? What good comes from these nightmares? Why did the accordion become a sign of safety? 10. How are friendships between the children made on Himmel Street? 11. What is Schiller Strasse? 12. Was Liesel present for the “Jesse Owens Incident?” Explain. 13. What is Rudy’s father trying to make Rudy understand when he tells Rudy that he should be happy that he has blond hair and blue eyes? 14. What important number does Death provide regarding the Germans’ support of Hitler? How does this relate to Hans Hubermann? 15. What elements blend together to create the “smell of friendship” for Liesel? Why do you think Liesel finds the smell so appealing? 16. According to Death, what two important events occur in September–November 1939? What do you think is the significance of the fact that Death lists these two events under the same heading? 17. What event in the classroom sets Liesel up for antagonism in the school yard? Why does Liesel attack Ludwig Schmeikl and Tommy Müller in the school yard?

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4) The one thing that Liesel knows about her father is that he is a communist.

Perhaps she received them from her father, but she had no way of knowing, as she couldn’t remember him. There was really only one thing she knew about her father. It was a label she did not understand.
She’d heard it several times in the past few years.

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The Book Thief